Coupon Request Form

You may request cards for:

  • Coffee/Tea/Specialty Drinks in OMM, Lute Café or Kelley Café  - specific size or dollar amount
  • A specific dollar amount for food and/or beverage in OMM, Lute Café or Kelley Café 
  • Food and Beverage in The Commons - a specific dollar amount or leave it general

You will receive the coupons and distribute them as you like. When the coupon is used, then it will be charged to the department account number you supply.

Coupon Information

Which Coupon Type Are You Ordering*
Coffee Drinks in OMM, Lute Café or Kelley Café*

As a guide, here are the price ranges to expect, tall drinks = $3.65–$4.30, grande = $4.30-$5.50 and venti = $4.75–$5.85.

Alternate Expiration Option —The coupon will automatically have an expiration date of 05/31/2024. If you'd like an different expiration date, please note it below:

The Commons Department Charge Coupons

The default is "Welcome to PLU" on the top of the card.
"Food & Beverage" is an alternate heading that will fit on the card.
It can be changed, but note space is limited to about 12 characters.

Your group name may also be added directly below the "Welcome to PLU."

If you leave this blank, the card will just have the "Welcome to PLU" at the top
If nothing is given, it will have an expiration date of 05/31/2023


Please give us at least a 2-day notice.

When Do You Need Them By*
How would you like to receive them:*

Contact Information


Submitting this form signifies that you have read, understood, and agree to comply with all provisions included.